Judge rules against land-use proposal to build Costco in Stuart

Article Posted on April 6, 2022

STUART, Fla. — The city of Stuart was hit with another setback in its pursuit to build a Costco on South Kanner Highway.

An administrative law judge with the state ruled against the city, saying it didn't correctly assign a future land-use designation for the 49-acre property.

"There is no question that the City failed to consider the maximum development potential made available through designation of the Property as Neighborhood Special District," Judge Francine M. Ffolkes said in the ruling. "The [land-use] amendment is not supported by a professionally acceptable methodology that analyzes the availability of central water supply, wastewater services, and traffic impact on the level of service of Kanner Highway and adjacent roadways."

The project includes building a gas station, 378 apartments, retail and restaurant space.

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