The Future of Farming is Here: AI in Agriculture Explored at Farm City Luncheon!
Article Posted on December 3, 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture!
A few years ago, we wouldn’t have put those terms together in a sentence, but this year their relationship was the topic of our annual Farm City Luncheon.
People who don’t think about agriculture very much are always surprised when they find out what it means to run a farm or ranch today. It’s high tech. And it has to be. Agriculture is a major driver of the Martin County economy. We’re feeding our local community, the nation, and the world. We need every tool we can find to boost our crops and protect our natural resources.
Dr. Katie Migliaccio, Chair of the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida, was the guest speaker at our sold-out event at Rockin H Ranch on November 21.
Dr. Migliaccio described the incredible advances in best management practices in agriculture attributable to the targeted and innovative use of Artificial Intelligence in growing and protecting our country’s food supply.
Our column in Martin County’s Friends & Neighbors tells you more about Dr. Katie’s presentation and the amazing ways that AI is affecting our work and our lives. Read it here.
The lunch is fun as well as educational. Check out our photo album, and plan to join us next November. We celebrate the Farm City connection every year on the Thursday before Thanksgiving.